
Quick Kulfa Faluda

A quick easy and simple kulfa Falooda recipe that everyone will make on repeat. #happycookingtoyou #foodfusionrecipe #digitalammi #omoresaiyaan

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Prepare Milk Sawaiyan:

-Water 2 Cups

-Colored vermicelli ½ Cup

-Doodh (Milk) 2 Cups

-Sugar 4 tbs or to taste

-Cream ½ Cup (room temperature)

-Elaichi powder (Cardamom powder) ½ tsp

-Pista (Pistachios) chopped 1 tbs

-Badam (Almonds) chopped 1 tbs

-Tukhme balanga (Basil seeds) 2 tbs

-Water 1 Cup


-Rose syrup as required

-Yellow jelly cubes as required

-Green jelly cubes as required

-Omore Kulfa

-Rose syrup as required

-Pista (Pistachios) sliced

-Badam (Almonds) chopped



Prepare Milk Sawaiyan:

-In a saucepan,add water & bring it to boil.

-Add colored vermicelli,mix well & boil on medium flame for 6-8 minutes then strain & set aside.

-In a saucepan,add milk,sugar,cream,cardamom powder,whisk well & bring it to boil.

-Add cooked vermicelli,pistachios,almonds,mix well & cook on medium flame for 1-2 minutes.

-Let it cool at room temperature & refrigerate until chilled.

-In a jug,add basil seeds,water,mix well & let it soak for 5 minutes.


-In a serving plate,add prepared milk sawaiyan,soaked basil seeds,rose syrup,yellow jelly,green jelly & kulfa.

-Garnish with rose syrup,pistachios,almonds & serve.

Recipe By: Khadija Firdous

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