
Beef Paye Cleaning Method

After Many requests here is the perfect method to clean beef paye from scratch. If you don’t have edible limestone (chuna) then you can skip this step or replace it with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 tbs baking soda in water which will also help kill bacteria and reduce smell.#happycookingtoyou #foodfusionrecipe #digitalammi #araywahh

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-Paye (Beef trotters) 2 pieces

-Boiling water as required

-Water 2 liters or as required

-Khanay wala chuna (Edible limestone) 2 tbs



-Thoroughly wash beef trotters.

-In boiling water,dip beef trotter for 15-20 seconds  & remove its hairs with the help of knife.

-Clean the trotters completely from all hairs by dipping in boiling water & scrapping a knife.

-Burn all the leftover small hairs on stove & scrap the knife over it.

-Now char the hooves on stove & remove them,then scrap & clean them with the help of knife.

-Wash thoroughly with tap water.Repeat the same procedure with other trotter.

-In a large tray of water,add edible limestone & mix well.

-Soak trotters in limestone solution for 10-12 minutes,take out & wash thoroughly with tap water.

-Cut washed trotters in large pieces & use them.

Benefits of soaking in Limestone Solution:

-It will help loosen dirt & grime.

-It will help remove smell.

Recipe By: Kanwal Mohsin

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